Health, Life, Pandemic

Update and End of the COVID-19 Journey

If you read my previous post about my COVID-19 journey, then you will have noted that I wrote that post while I was still sick. It has been a month since that post and I thought I would write an update to how the rest of the recovery process has been. May 3 – 11:… Continue reading Update and End of the COVID-19 Journey

Health, Life, Pandemic

I Tested Positive for COVID-19

On March 31, I decided to take a ten-day break from social media so I could give myself the time and space to reflect on how much life had changed in light of the coronavirus pandemic. Little did I know that those ten days would more than double and instead of me reflecting on the… Continue reading I Tested Positive for COVID-19

Inspiration, Life, Pandemic

How To Survive Quarantine

What a strange strange place we have come to as an ENTIRE world. EVERYONE is in Quarantine in some form or another across the globe. Think about that for a moment, EVERYONE, in the ENTIRE World is fighting ONE common enemy, Novel Coronavirus, Covid-19. This is unfathomable. Our enemy is not a person, a nation,… Continue reading How To Survive Quarantine

Health, Inspiration, Life, Music

How Meditation Has Helped My Productivity

This year, I told myself I would take time out for me, in particular my mental health. With a lifestyle that is always on the go, I knew that in order to be successful, I had to carve out time for my own well being, every. single. day. And so I have. Between yoga classes… Continue reading How Meditation Has Helped My Productivity

Inspiration, Life

New Year’s Resolution: Roadmap to a Better Life

I don't like to use the words, New Year's Resolution, because they are really ongoing goals year-round. However, given that it is January 1st and clearly a new year, let's call it what it is.  I'm not going to make this post lengthy, because thanks to my beautiful Day Designer Planner, I have set some… Continue reading New Year’s Resolution: Roadmap to a Better Life

Beauty, Daily/Monthly Recommendations, DIY, Health, Weekend Stories

Daily Recommendation: DIY Coffee Sugar Body Scrub

To watch my daily recommendations on Snapchat, be sure to follow me at “SaadiaExplores”. July 30: DIY Coffee Sugar Body Scrub    A body scrub is one of the little luxuries of life I thoroughly enjoy. Some of my favorites are the Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy scrubs, Lush shower scrubs and The Body Shop scrubs. I love them because they are… Continue reading Daily Recommendation: DIY Coffee Sugar Body Scrub

Food, Health

Almond Milk – and Why You Should Make the Switch

For years, I've been hearing about the almond milk phenomena and quietly ignoring it and going about my ways. Often even thinking, "oh people are so dramatic/snobs... just drink milk. sheesh" I terrible of me. Of course, those who are lactose intolerant are an exception, but why does every other person have to rave about… Continue reading Almond Milk – and Why You Should Make the Switch